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What are RECs?

How do they work?

RECs or Renewable Energy Certificates are a global standard for tracking renewable energy production and consumption.


What are RECs?

How do they work?
RECs or Renewable Energy Certificates are a global standard for tracking renewable energy production and consumption.


RECs allow companies to offset their electricity by tracking it from the source

All you have to do is track your usage and we will do the rest for you.

We source local REC, so you support the grid you are connected to by province or by state.

Benefits of RECs

  • RECs allow you to claim renewable power by claiming the generation.
  • RECs are used in building standards such as LEED, Canada Green Building Council and Zero Carbon.
  • They signal support for the decarbonization of the grid and supply money back to the Renewable energy producer.

Pre-Order Hydro RECs


2022 vintage RECs come from EcoLogo-certified low-impact hydro facilities

RECs are tracked by Registries that are auditable and are tracked from production to retirement. This ensures that each RECs are not duplicated and that the production date and origin are known.

Preordered: 10 000
Available: 25,000

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